Human Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
About Coronavirus: What You Need to Know
Steri-Clean has the only effective protocol and training to ELIMINATE the viruses from any environment. 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus that affects the respiratory tract and is spread with person to person contact.
Symptoms: According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying. Symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 after exposure. Symptoms can include: fever, cough and shortness of breath.
Prevention & Treatment
There is currently no vaccine to prevent 2019-nCoV Coronavirus infection. The CDC believes the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus and recommends everyday preventative actions to help prevent from spreading:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who appear to be sick
Stay at home if you are sick
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, throw the tissue in the trash, then wash your hands thoroughly
Clean and apply disinfectant to commonly touched objects and surfaces (See next paragraph)
Steri-Clean Services for Microorganisms & COVID-19
If there is an outbreak of any size in your area or you need additional information about mass decontamination, please contact Steri-Clean’s knowledgeable technicians to get additional information. We can provide the following services for homes, businesses, warehouses, public transportation, and more.
• 24 Hour response serving with dozens of offices throughout the country
• Thorough cleaning to remove biofilms from all surfaces
• Trained technicians to use and apply the appropriate disinfectant for the COVID-19 virus, both L and S strains
• Application of disinfectants through one or more delivery methods including electrostatic, mist, fogging, and direct spray.
• Surface testing to confirm efficacy of our cleaning processes*
*Steri-Clean utilizes ATP monitoring to assure surfaces are clean before and after our disinfectants are applied. ATP monitors test for Adenosine Triphosphate which is stored energy found in every cells. While viruses do not contain cells, the removal of biofilms and cellular activity on all surfaces assures our disinfectants can properly kill the viruses.
For additional details, contact us today. 1-888-577-7206
Superbug Cleanup Services New Jersey
Superbugs and pathogen cleanup services are available when you need to sanitize areas that experienced infestations or contamination. These places can be hazardous for humans after pathogens or superbugs have been in the area. Securing the area is just the first step in the process of making the area fit for humans again. The services of a professional cleanup company are also necessary to sanitize and decontaminate the area. Finally, testing must be performed in order to ensure that there are no microbes or invisible contaminants still present.
We Provide the Best Superbug Cleanup for The
People of New Jersey
New Jersey residents and businesses can always rely on our company for superior cleanup. We use the industry-standard tools and techniques to clean up areas that have been compromised by superbug infestations as well as other pathogens. These areas are often unsafe for human use after a superbug outbreak has occurred. Effective elimination of the threat includes testing after the cleanup process in order to ensure that there are no more additional threats. We can work under a variety of conditions, so you can rely on our services even under the most difficult conditions. When facing an outbreak of pathogens or superbugs, universal precautions are absolutely essential. This means that every surface must be treated as if it is contaminated.
Invisible contaminants may also remain present after the obvious signs of the infestation are long gone, for example. Our methods are designed to decontaminate the entire area through the use of scientifically reliable products and methods. We use only the most tested methods, tools and procedures that have proven to be effective over time. This requires expert use in order to utilize the products and safety equipment effectively. We hire only the most experienced and qualified service providers to do this work. Our team is trained in performing the most reliable methods for containment and superbug cleaning New Jersey services.
Superbugs and Pathogens Cleanup Services
Superbugs can appear after an outbreak of certain bacteria. Understanding what causes superbugs can help you to know how to take appropriate action. This is a viral infection that can resist antibiotics, so containment is extremely important. It is important to take actions right away to avoid widespread contamination. Cleanup measures must be done correctly in order to prevent the spreading of the infection. This requires expertise and skill, so it is important to be familiar with our services in case they are needed.
The bacteria called the superbug can defy attempts at control, so professional services are also necessary. Once infected, a person can face a situation where it is difficult to get adequate treatment for the illness. Superbugs cause fatalities at a rate of approximately 23,000 people per year. Preventative measures are always preferable; however, if there is a superbug outbreak, it is extremely important to take action immediately. Our company has all of the necessary equipment and training to conduct the cleanup according to the highest industry standards.
Our Services, Superbug Cleaning New Jersey
Professional superbugs and pathogens cleanup services will secure your area and make it safe for human beings once again. This process is necessary to prevent the spread of contaminants and protect the health and safety of everyone involved. Never take chances when it comes to contamination and superbugs. We can get started right away after you contact our company. Our team will work with you to ensure that you get the most efficient and reliable superbug cleanup services New Jersey has to offer.
Every aspect of our work is designed to comply with the relevant regulations. We are proud to offer these services that can contain the infection and decontaminate the area. In addition, we always test the final result to ensure that microscopic organisms are no longer present. If there is any need for our services, it is important to get in touch with us without any delays.
For additional details, contact our superbug cleanup services New Jersey.